Sustainable landscape solutions reimbursement program for JOCO residents
The Johnson County Stormwater Management Program encourages individual homeowners and businesses to make improvements on their properties to improve stormwater quality. Contain the Rain in Johnson County is a reimbursement program for most JOCO residents who install sustainable landscape solutions that benefit stormwater.
Installing sustainable landscape solutions, like rain gardens, native trees or rain barrels, on your property will help "contain the rain" where it falls, which reduces the amount of stormwater going into storm drains.  Water from rain and melting snow that enters storm drains will eventually find its way to our streams, rivers, and lakes carrying all the pollutants it picked up along the way.
When you install a qualifying garden, rain barrel, or native tree in your landscape, you are not only helping the environment by reducing stormwater runoff and creating natural habitats for pollinators and other wildlife, you could also be eligible to receive a refund for up to 50% of the installation and material cost. Click below to learn more about sustainable lanscape solutions featured in this program.